Zero time dilemma
Zero time dilemma

zero time dilemma zero time dilemma

This time around, nine participants of a Mars test colony are kidnapped by a mysterious figure known as Zero and forced to play the Decision Game. What do you choose? Decisions like this are at the heart of Zero Time Dilemma, the fitting conclusion to the Zero Escape trilogy that brings the inventive puzzles and stellar storytelling to a fulfilling end.Longtime fans of the series know what to expect from a Zero Escape game: what looks like a simple puzzle and visual novel game soon turns into a complex story featuring mind-boggling concepts like telepathic communication and alternate realities. Refuse to pull the trigger and the nearby incinerator is set ablaze with a woman inside. Three of the six rounds are live, but there is no telling which will fire next. A man is strapped to a chair with a revolver pointed to his head.

Zero time dilemma